
Acts 10 Commentary

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Acts 10:1-8

A centurion named Cornelius worships the God of Israel and financially supports the Jewish people in the city of Caesarea.

Acts 10:9-16

Peter Sees a Vision of Unclean Animals While Cornelius’s servants are arriving at Joppa, Peter is on the roof of his host’s house praying. He sees a bizarre vision of unclean animals being lowered down from heaven on a blanket.

Acts 10:17-23

The Holy Spirit Tells Peter to Go with Cornelius’s Servants Peter wonders what the vision meant. The men from Cornelius arrive at the house where he is staying, and the Spirit prompts him to go away with these men to wherever they will take him; to trust them, because they were sent by the Spirit.

Acts 10:24-29

Peter Tells the Gentiles that He, a Jew, No Longer Sees Gentiles as Unclean Peter arrives at Cornelius’s house. Cornelius has gathered his friends and family to hear Peter speak.

Acts 10:30-33

Cornelius Asks Peter About God’s Message Cornelius recounts the moment where the angel visited him, telling him that God had heard his prayers, and that he should summon a man named Simon Peter from Joppa to come to him, that God had commanded Simon Peter to give a message to Cornelius.

Acts 10:34-43

Peter Shares the Message of Salvation to Gentiles Peter preaches the good news of Jesus Christ to Cornelius and his friends and family. He tells them that everything they had heard about Jesus of Nazareth was true, that He is Lord of all and He came to earth to preach peace throughout Israel.

Acts 10:44-48

The Gentiles Believe in Jesus and Receive the Holy Spirit The Gentile Roman audience to Peter’s gospel message believe in Jesus. Immediately the Holy Spirit enters their hearts. They begin praising God in various languages, like at Pentecost.