
*Scripture verses covered in this section's commentary are noted in italics

Daniel 1:2 meaning

Because of their lack of obedience, God allows Nebuchadnezzar to conquer Judah. Nebuchadnezzar takes all of the items from the Temple and puts them with the items of his gods. This demonstrates Nebuchadnezzar’s complete control of Judah, not only of their land but of their God. The Jewish people are now forced to worship his gods.

Nebuchadnezzar brought the vessels of the house of God and stored them into the treasury of his god. This begins a period in which non-Jews reigned over Israel. 

It also shows Nebuchadnezzar’s intent: to absorb Judah and the Jewish people into Babylon and Babylonians. We see this throughout the book of Daniel, especially in the rest of this chapter as Daniel and his fellow countrymen are required to adhere to the teachings, traditions, and diets of the Babylonians.

Biblical Text:

 2 The Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, along with some of the vessels of the house of God; and he brought them to the land of Shinar, to the house of his god, and he brought the vessels into the treasury of his god.

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