
Exodus 18 Commentary

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Exodus 18:1-4

Verses 1 – 4 reintroduces Jethro, a Midianite priest and Moses’ father-in-law. It recalls the fact that Moses sent his wife and children back home to Jethro.

Exodus 18:5-12

Verses 5 – 12 describe the time when Jethro came to visit Moses in the wilderness near Mount Sinai. He was accompanied by Moses’ wife Zipporah and Moses’ two sons, Gershom and Eliezer.

Exodus 18:13-23

The day after Jethro, Moses, Aaron, and the elders celebrated a sacrificial to honor the LORD, Moses went about his usual duties in managing the affairs of the people.

Exodus 18:24-27

Having heard his father-in-law’s advice, Moses implemented it. He appointed men at the various levels to do the judging of the less difficult matters, leaving only the most difficult ones to be brought to Moses.