Genesis 20 Commentary
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Genesis 20:1-4 meaning
Abraham moves to Gerar. He told King Abimelech that Sarah was his sister. Therefore, the king sent for and took Sarah. However, in a dream, God revealed to Abimelech that Sarah was married.
Genesis 20:5-7 meaning
Abimelech pleaded with God in his dream that he believed Sarah was not married and he was innocent and without sin. God agreed and told the king to restore Sarah to Abraham.
Genesis 20:8-11 meaning
Abimelech awoke and called for Abraham. He asked Abraham why he had misled them. Abraham replied he thought he would be killed because of his wife, because there was no fear of God in this place.
Genesis 20:12-15 meaning
Abraham disclosed that Sarah was actually his sister, being the daughter of his father. Then King Abimelech gave Abraham sheep, oxen, and servants. He also restored Sarah to Abraham and told him to settle wherever he wanted in the kingdom.
Genesis 20:16-18 meaning
Abraham prayed for the king and his household. God healed Abimelech’s wife and maids so that they could have children.
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