Hosea 4 Commentary
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Hosea 4:1-3 meaning
Hosea summons the Israelites to hear the LORD’s indictment against them because they have abandoned their covenant God and given themselves to apostasy.
Hosea 4:4-10 meaning
The LORD accuses the priests for their failure to keep the law and for their neglect of their responsibilities. The LORD will reject their priestly status; they and the people they are misleading will be end up in the same boat.
Hosea 4:11-14 meaning
The LORD describes in great detail Israel’s involvement in the Canaanite fertility rites of Baal worship. He threatens to judge them accordingly.
Hosea 4:15-19 meaning
In the midst of leveling additional accusations against Israel for playing the harlot by following pagan ways that violate their covenant with God, the LORD through Hosea warned Judah not to follow Israel because she is headed to destruction.
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