Philippians 4 Commentary
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Philippians 4:1-3 meaning
Two women in the Philippian church, named Euodia and Syntyche, have conflict between them. Paul urges the entire church and its leaders to help restore these two back to a harmonious relationship with each other.
Philippians 4:4-7 meaning
Paul repeats the call for the Philippians to rejoice. Rejoicing in the face of all circumstances is part of having the mindset of Jesus, who showed radical obedience to God no matter what. This mindset brings us the peace of God and keeps us from anxiety.
Philippians 4:8-9 meaning
Paul provides a list of what believers should keep our minds focused on: whatever is in line with God’s design, whatever is clean and unspoiled from the world’s influence, whatever God-honoring input will help keep our thoughts on the right track, and aid us in walking after Christ and Paul’s example.
Philippians 4:10-14 meaning
Paul expresses his mindset of joy that the Philippian believers care about him and have sent him financial support while he is imprisoned. He explains that the secret of contentment in all situations is through the strength given to us by Jesus.
Philippians 4:15-19 meaning
Paul praises the Philippians for being the most generous church in all his ministry. They have given him financial support from the beginning. Paul never asked them for funding, but they gave to him out of their own desire to share in his ministry work. Paul describes their gift-giving in terms of a pleasing sacrifice to God, which they will be rewarded for when Jesus returns.
Philippians 4:20-23 meaning
Paul concludes his letter by praising God and sending regards from the believers in Rome to the Philippians. He wishes for Jesus’s favor to be upon them all as they strive to imitate His example of radical obedience to God in the face of all circumstances.
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