Revelation 8 Commentary
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Revelation 8:1-5 meaning
The seventh and final seal is broken, which brings about a half hour of silence. Seven angels are then given trumpets and a censer with incense for the prayers of the saints. An earthquake precedes the judgement that will pour out upon the sounding of the trumpets.
Revelation 8:6-9 meaning
The first two of seven trumpets are sounded, which bring about destruction on the earth with hail and fire, and destruction on the sea, which turns to blood and causes sea life to die and ships to be destroyed.
Revelation 8:10-13 meaning
The third and fourth of seven trumpets are sounded, at which a great star, being a spiritual being, falls from heaven, and a third of the sun, moon, and stars are darkened. An eagle then appears to declare woe and warn of the final three trumpets.
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