Romans 5 Commentary
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Romans 5:1-2 meaning
Paul is reiterating that since we have faith in God, we are counted as righteous. He is moving into what this means for our daily life.
Romans 5:3-5 meaning
In this life, we will experience suffering. Paul is encouraging believers to trust God through suffering because suffering will produce endurance, character, and hope.
Romans 5:6-8 meaning
Paul is again emphasizing that we are made righteous in God’s sight apart from anything we do. Christ did not die for us because we were good people; He died for sinners and people who were not living up to God’s standard, which includes everyone.
Romans 5:9 meaning
Through faith in Christ, we have been justified, and thus saved from the wrath of God that Jesus bore for us on the cross.
Romans 5:10-11 meaning
God loved us and died for us while we were sinners and enemies to Him. Now that we are saved by grace through faith and are justified in His sight, how much more will He care for those in His family?
Romans 5:12-13 meaning
Because Adam sinned, death came into the world, and we are all born separated from God. Even before the law was given, death reigned in the world.
Romans 5:14 meaning
Death and separation reigned on earth even before the law was given to Moses
Romans 5:15-17 meaning
Through one man’s sin, there was condemnation for all. From the free gift there is justification for many. One man’s sin brought death to all men, but those who receive the free gift of righteousness gain life through Jesus.
Romans 5:18-19 meaning
Adam’s sin led to condemnation for everyone. Christ’s death allows many to be justified and to live in a way God desires.
Romans 5:20-21 meaning
The law increased sin by making us aware of what we should not do. But, the more we sin the more grace God gives—to believers—through Jesus’s sacrifice.
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