Daniel 11:24 meaning

In the prophetic vision of Daniel, a significant shift occurs as the focus turns toward the actions of a crafty ruler. This king, often associated with Antiochus Epiphanes, employs strategic deceit and manipulation rather than conventional warfare. Rather than simply enriching himself, he utilizes the wealth he acquires to gain alliances and expand his power. His tactics highlight a pattern of exploiting relationships for personal advantage, a theme that resonates throughout the history of power struggles depicted in scripture.

This ruler’s ability to infiltrate and conquer the “fattest places” of his realm reflects not just his military prowess but also the moral decay associated with such cunning leadership. As Daniel describes, his reign includes both overt aggression and insidious maneuvering, ultimately leading to significant ramifications for the holy people of Israel. This portrayal serves as a foreshadowing of darker times to come during the end of days, emphasizing the continuous cycle of persecution faced by God's chosen. As prophesied, these future tribulations will be marked by overwhelming distress and deception against God's covenant people, pointing towards the culmination of divine prophecy in the time of the end, as seen in Daniel 11:24.

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Other Relevant Commentaries:

  • Deuteronomy 11:29-32 meaning. Moses commands the Israelites to have a covenant-renewal ceremony in Canaan soon after entering the land.
  • Deuteronomy 27:11-13 meaning. In these verses, Moses continued to describe the covenant renewal ceremony. He arranged the people of Israel into two sets of six tribes in preparation of the recitation of the blessings and curses that follow. These verses should be read together with Joshua 8:30 – 35, where these instructions are fulfilled.
  • Zechariah 9:11-13 meaning. The LORD announces His plan to free Zion’s captives to fulfill His promise to her. He urges them to return home because He will give them a double blessing and use them to defeat Greece.
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