Daniel 9:21 meaning

In this pivotal moment of prayer, the prophet Daniel experiences a profound interaction with an angelic messenger, likely Gabriel. The context of the verse is Daniel's impassioned plea for mercy and understanding regarding the fate of his people, the Israelites, amid their Babylonian captivity. His heartfelt supplication emphasizes themes of confession, repentance, and hope for restoration, reflecting a deep concern not only for his own sins but also for the transgressions of his nation. This date aligns with the time of the evening oblation, underscoring the significance of prayer during crucial moments of communal devotion, even in exile.

The verse captures the angel's arrival amidst Daniel's fervent prayer, symbolizing God's readiness to respond to sincere requests. Such moments remind us of the assurance that even when answers are delayed, our prayers are heard immediately. As it is communicated, "while I was speaking" signifies the immediacy of divine engagement. This reflects the broader biblical principle that God responds to our heartfelt cries, offering grace and guidance in times of distress. In the passage, we find the encouragement that fervent prayers are met with divine attentiveness, affirming our ongoing relationship with God through prayer (Daniel 9:21).

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Deeper Commentary Covering this Verse:

  • Daniel 9:20-23 meaning. Gabriel, an angel from God, brings God’s answer to Daniel. At the moment Daniel began praying, God sent this messenger to speak to him.

Other Relevant Commentaries:

  • Genesis 21:31-34 meaning. Abraham names the place where he made an oath with Abimelech, “Beersheba.” After the covenant is made, Abraham plants a tree at Beersheba and prays to God.
  • Obadiah 1:17-21 meaning. While Edom will be crushed by God’s judgment on the day of the LORD, Israel and Judah will be restored.
  • Zechariah 9:1-8 meaning. The Suzerain (ruler) God promises to judge the nations surrounding Judah. He will stop them from oppressing His people and find a remnant among them to worship Him. 
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