Exodus 10:19 meaning

The account of the locust plague is a pivotal moment in the narrative of Exodus, showcasing God's judgment against Egypt and Pharaoh's continued defiance. Here, a monumental east wind brings a devastating swarm that darkens the land and consumes all remaining vegetation. This divine act is not just about punishment; it serves to demonstrate God's power over nature and the folly of the Egyptian gods, who were supposed to safeguard agricultural abundance. The request for Israel's release is once again met with resistance from Pharaoh, highlighting a cycle of rebellion against divine authority that ultimately leads to disaster.

Pharaoh's acknowledgment of his wrongdoing, calling God righteous while pleading for mercy, illustrates a moment of apparent repentance. However, it reveals a shallow engagement, as he hardens his heart once again after the crisis is resolved. This pattern of temporary contrition followed by defiance emphasizes the serious consequences of ignoring God's sovereignty—pointing to a broader theme of redemption and the necessity of genuine repentance. The events in this passage remind readers of the importance of humility before God, especially in times of judgment. As stated in Exodus 10:19, the profound struggle between divine authority and human pride reaches a critical juncture during this plague, urging us to recognize the undeniable strength of the one true God.

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Deeper Commentary Covering this Verse:

  • Exodus 10:1-20 meaning. In the eighth plague, the LORD used that which was (and still is) a scourge to the Egyptians and others to this day – locusts. These insects were (and still are) voracious eaters of any plant life that they can find.

Other Relevant Commentaries:

  • Exodus 19:10-15 meaning. In verses 10-15, the LORD tells Moses to "consecrate" the people in order to prepare them for the making of the covenant. This process includes washing their clothes and respecting the restrictions concerning Mount Sinai. Moses did as the LORD commanded. On the third day, the LORD was going to come down on Mount Sinai to fellowship with His people who are before the mountain.
  • Exodus 35:10-19 meaning. The LORD calls for craftsmen, artisans, and other skilled workers to come forward for the building of the tabernacle. They were needed to build the tabernacle itself as well as the furniture, utensils, and other items that were going to be used in the worship of the LORD.
  • Exodus 36:14-19 meaning. The roof curtains of the tabernacle were made a specific size along with loops and clasps. A covering for the tabernacle was also made. The plans for their construction were given by God to Moses on the mountain, as recorded in Exodus 26:7 – 14.
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