Exodus 12:19 meaning

In the context of the Israelites' liberation from Egyptian slavery, this verse emphasizes the critical nature of their observance during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. God commanded the Israelites to remove all leaven from their homes, which not only symbolized purity but also signified a complete break from their past as slaves in Egypt. The act of removing leaven became a profound reminder of their hurried departure and the necessity of readiness for God's deliverance.

This specific command, found in Exodus 12:19, underscores the seriousness of adhering to God's instructions, as failing to do so would result in being "cut off" from the community. The use of unleavened bread throughout the seven days of the feast reinforces the theme of sanctification and renewal. It connects with the broader narrative of redemption, as leaven often represents sin or moral corruption, symbolically calling the people to a life free from the influences of their former oppressors. The significance of these observances remains a central aspect of Jewish identity and worship throughout generations.

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Deeper Commentary Covering this Verse:

  • Exodus 12:1-20 meaning. In preparation for the coming of the last plague, the LORD gave explicit instructions to Moses and Aaron about how to commemorate their deliverance by their LORD. It consisted of celebrating the Passover of the LORD when He would "pass over" the houses having the blood of a sacrificed animal on the door frame and not inflict the death of the firstborn on the household. They were to eat the Passover meal as a family. Along with this, they were instructed to celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread after removing all leaven from their homes. They were to eat the unleavened bread for seven days, beginning and ending with a communal feast. The Passover and Unleavened feasts were to be celebrated every year from then on. It was to be a way for the people to be reminded of the LORD's deliverance. The Feast of Unleavened Bread continues in the Church in the form of the LORD's Supper, in which New Testament Christians are to remember that He delivered us from the power of sin and death.    

Other Relevant Commentaries:

  • Exodus 12:43-51 meaning. Verses 43 – 51 contain more details about how and who could celebrate Passover. It was probably necessary to add these rules because so many non-Hebrews exited Egypt when they did. The main rule in this section is that only those who have been circumcised could celebrate Passover, and no one who was uncircumcised could eat the Passover meal. This means that if non- Hebrews wanted to celebrate Passover, they and all the males of the family needed to be circumcised first. This includes servants and sojourners alike.
  • Exodus 20:12 meaning. The 5th commandment speaks of respecting one’s parents.
  • Exodus 9:8-12 meaning. The sixth plague (verses 8 – 12) is the last one in the second cycle of the nine plagues. It comes without warning, like the third plague. It involved inflicting painful boils on humans and livestock. Even the magicians were afflicted by the boils and were unable to control the plague. But the result was as the LORD had predicted – Pharaoh's heart was hardened by the LORD and he did not let the Israelites go out of the land to worship the LORD God.
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