Exodus 9:19 meaning

In the narrative surrounding the plagues of Egypt, we find God encouraging the Egyptians to heed warnings about impending judgment. The verse in question highlights the divine mercy intertwined with God's pronouncement of judgment. This moment is critical as it serves to illustrate God's desire for Pharaoh and the Egyptians to repent and avoid disaster. By instructing Pharaoh to gather his cattle and servants from the fields, God is not just issuing a threat; He's providing a means of escape from the devastating hail that is about to strike.

In Exodus 9:19, “Send therefore now, and gather thy cattle, and all that thou hast in the field; for upon every man and beast which shall be found in the field, and shall not be brought home, the hail shall come down upon them, and they shall die.” This is a poignant reminder of God's grace. Even amidst judgment, He provides an opportunity for deliverance. The cautionary call reflects a broader theme that resonates throughout scripture: God's persistent invitation to avoid ruin and seek refuge in Him. This concept illustrates the tension between divine sovereignty and human responsibility, emphasizing the importance of heeding God's word to avert consequences.

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Deeper Commentary Covering this Verse:

  • Exodus 9:13-35 meaning. The seventh plague (verses 13 – 35) is the first one in the third cycle of the first nine plagues. The plagues in this cycle are more severe than the previous ones. Similar to plagues 1 and 4, Moses was commanded to confront Pharaoh in the morning. In this plague, however, the message Moses was to convey to Pharaoh was longer and provided more detail as to the LORD's dealings with him. The LORD told Pharaoh that the plagues were designed to show him and his people that the God of the Hebrews was unique, that He was incomparable, and that disobeying Him would have terrible consequences.

Other Relevant Commentaries:

  • Exodus 27:9-19 meaning. The LORD describes how the court (or courtyard) was to be built. It was to surround the tabernacle. It provided a special place where the people of Israel could meet with and worship their LORD. The account of the courtyard's construction was recorded in Exodus 38:9 – 20.
  • Exodus 19:1-9 meaning. Chapter 19 begins a new section of the book. The LORD has delivered His people Israel from Egypt, and it was time to enter into a covenant with them. Having reached the wilderness next to Mount Sinai, Moses made his way up the mountain to meet the LORD. The LORD spoke to him about the covenant that was about to be made between the LORD and the people of Israel. He told Moses to tell the people to remember His work of deliverance and that as a result they are His people and are to become a kingdom of priests to the nations by following God's commands. Moses relayed the message to the tribal leaders who then relayed it to the people. The people responded that they would obey the LORD in all things. Thus the agreement was proposed and agreed to. Moses then relayed this message to the LORD, who in turn gave Moses the role of intermediary between Him and the people, and Moses relayed His words to Israel.
  • Exodus 9:8-12 meaning. The sixth plague (verses 8 – 12) is the last one in the second cycle of the nine plagues. It comes without warning, like the third plague. It involved inflicting painful boils on humans and livestock. Even the magicians were afflicted by the boils and were unable to control the plague. But the result was as the LORD had predicted – Pharaoh's heart was hardened by the LORD and he did not let the Israelites go out of the land to worship the LORD God.
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