Isaiah 37:38 meaning

The events surrounding the downfall of Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, exemplify God's sovereignty over nations and fate. After a demoralizing siege on Jerusalem, Hezekiah turned to God in sincere prayer, seeking His intervention against the overwhelming Assyrian threat. In a miraculous turn of events, God dispatched divine judgment upon Sennacherib's army, leading to the death of 185,000 soldiers in a single night. This achievement underscored not only God's power but also His commitment to protect His people, fulfilling the promises made to David regarding the preservation of Jerusalem.

Following this divine act, Sennacherib returned to Nineveh, where he met his end in a worship setting dedicated to his idol. The stark contrast between Hezekiah’s humble reverence in the temple and Sennacherib’s idolatrous worship illustrates a profound truth: those who honor the true God find refuge, while those who oppose Him face dire consequences. Ultimately, the demise of Sennacherib serves as a reminder that God, in His justice and mercy, governs the destinies of both individuals and entire nations. This account is vividly depicted in Isaiah 37:36-38.

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Deeper Commentary Covering this Verse:

  • Isaiah 37:33-38 meaning. The Lord declares His intention to save Jerusalem without a battle. The Assyrians suffer a great slaughter at the hand of the angel of the Lord.

Other Relevant Commentaries:

  • Hosea 13:12-16 meaning. The LORD predicts that a powerful army will destroy Israel’s villages in a brutal manner that includes the slaughter of children and the ripping open of pregnant women.
  • Isaiah 37:33-38 meaning. The Lord declares His intention to save Jerusalem without a battle. The Assyrians suffer a great slaughter at the hand of the angel of the Lord.
  • Isaiah 37:1-7 meaning. King Hezekiah sends a delegation to Isaiah the prophet for advice and to seek the Lord’s direction during this seemingly hopeless turn of events.
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