Jeremiah 13:22 meaning

In this verse, the prophet Jeremiah speaks to the people of Judah, warning them to examine the calamities befalling their nation. When questioning why such misfortunes have come upon them, they are instructed to look inwards, as their suffering is a direct consequence of their significant sins. This self-reflection is critical, as it calls them to recognize that their actions have led to their current state of humiliation. The imagery of "skirt discovered" and "heels made bare" serves as a stark metaphor for their vulnerability and exposure due to their unfaithfulness.

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Other Relevant Commentaries:

  • Genesis 19:34-38 meaning. The next day, the older sister convinced the younger sister to do what she had done the night before. Again, Lot was given too much wine and the younger daughter had sexual relations with him. Lot was unaware of this event also.
  • Genesis 18:19-22 meaning. God tells Abraham about the report of the great sin in Sodom and Gomorrah and that they plan on visiting the cities to see if it is true.
  • Genesis 22:15-18 meaning. God speaks again, saying that because of Abraham's faithfulness he will be blessed. God promises that Abraham’s descendants will be many and they will conquer their enemies. Through Abraham’s obedience, all the nations of the earth will be blessed.
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