Joshua 11:19 meaning

In a significant moment of Israel's conquests, none of the Canaanite cities sought peace with Israel, except for the Hivites in Gibeon. This reflects a deep-seated defiance among the Canaanite nations, showcasing their unwillingness to submit even in the face of clear divine support for Israel. Their obstinacy is highlighted by the fact that the other cities did not even attempt to negotiate terms for peace, which could have potentially spared them from destruction. As noted, this tragic choice stemmed from a divine hardening of their hearts, similar to the fate of Pharaoh. The implication is that their downfall was not only a product of their choices but also of God’s sovereign will.

In Joshua 11:19, we see that this hardening was God's judgment against a people whose sins were now fully ripe for judgment. This narrative illustrates a key theological principle: when given ample opportunity, unrepentant hearts perilously tend toward defiance against God. Their refusal to seek peace resulted in their decline and ultimately, their annihilation.

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Other Relevant Commentaries:

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  • Mark 1:9-11 meaning. Jesus arrives from Galilee to be baptized; the Holy Spirit descends on Him and the Father approves. The Spirit's descent is visible evidence that Jesus was equipped to fulfill His role to baptize with the Holy Spirit. Having all three Persons of the Godhead present underscores the significance of this commissioning event.
  • Revelation 19:11-16 meaning. John sees the moment of Jesus's second coming. In contrast to Christ's first advent (that of a poor suffering servant, born in a stable, riding a donkey), now Christ comes down from Heaven on a white horse, His eyes flaming with fire, crowned with many crowns, His robe dipped in blood, and armies of heaven following Him on white horses. He comes to judge and to wage war on His enemies, a sword proceeding from His mouth. He will rule with a rod of iron, and will crush the antichrist and his followers like grapes in a wine press. He is the King of all kings, and the Lord over all lords.
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