Joshua 17:5 meaning

In this passage, the tribe of Joseph, which includes the branches of Ephraim and Manasseh, finds itself grappling with its territorial inheritance. The feeling of discontent arises as they perceive their allotment to be insufficient despite being a significant and populous tribe. Joshua responds to their complaints by challenging them to utilize the land they already possess and to engage actively in its cultivation and defense. This conversation highlights a crucial principle: the blessing of land or resources must be met with corresponding action, faith, and reliance on God.

The directive to cut down trees in the mountainous regions underscores that while the land was promised, its full benefit requires hard work and bravery, particularly as they must confront formidable Canaanite foes, who possess advanced military technology like iron chariots. Joshua encourages them that they can indeed drive out these adversaries, reinforcing the idea that spiritual and physical victories necessitate a faithful response to God’s promises and the courage to act, no matter the challenge faced—echoing themes from Joshua 17:5. “Thou art a great people, and hast great power: thou shalt not have one lot only” illustrates the potential for God’s people to claim their inheritance, but only through diligent effort and faith.

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Other Relevant Commentaries:

  • Deuteronomy 1:9-15 meaning. Moses recounts the story of Israel’s journey from Mount Horeb (Sinai). He had the people choose wise and respected men and appointed them as leaders because the Israelites had become so numerous.
  • Luke 5:17-26 meaning. Jesus publicly and dramatically heals a paralytic. Before Jesus heals this man, He tells him that his sins are forgiven, which causes some of the scribes and Pharisees in the crowd to silently accuse Jesus of blasphemy in their hearts. Jesus calls out their blasphemous unbelief and demonstrates that He is Who He claims to be by healing the paralytic, telling him to get up and go home. Accordingly, the crowds are amazed and begin glorifying God.
  • Exodus 17:8-16 meaning. Another important event happened while the Israelites were at Rephadim. The Amalekites attacked them (8 – 16). Moses ordered Joshua to take an army to repel the attack, , while he stood on a hill overlooking the battle with the staff of God. When he raised the staff into the air, the Israelites prevailed, and if he lowered the staff, the Amalekites got the better of the Israelites. When Moses' arms got tired, his assistants propped up his arms until sunset, allowing Joshua to win the battle. The LORD then instructed Moses to write the account of the battle as a memorial to the fact that He would eliminate the Amalekites from the earth. Moses in turn built an altar to the LORD.
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