Joshua 9:2 meaning

In the narrative of Israel's conquest of Canaan, a significant shift occurs when various Canaanite kings form an alliance to combat the advancing Israelites. This collective effort signifies a turning point; no longer are they merely defending their territories but actively seeking to resist the Israelites’ gains. The kings of Canaan, having witnessed the destruction of Jericho and Ai, unite with a common purpose, showcasing a strategic response to a potent threat. Their consultation reveals a desperate yet coordinated effort to confront the Israelite advance, which had previously gone largely unchecked within their territories.

In Joshua 9:2, it is noted that they gathered together with one accord to wage war against Joshua and the Israelites. This unprecedented unity among diverse kingdoms highlights the seriousness of the threat posed by Israel and foreshadows the conflicts that lie ahead. The Canaanite coalition's reaction serves as a reminder that spiritual battles often provoke formidable opposition, embodying the principle that the enemy will rally against those walking in obedience to God’s calling.

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Other Relevant Commentaries:

  • Deuteronomy 1:9-15 meaning. Moses recounts the story of Israel’s journey from Mount Horeb (Sinai). He had the people choose wise and respected men and appointed them as leaders because the Israelites had become so numerous.
  • Genesis 9:24-29 meaning. When Noah wakes up, he knows what Ham has done. Noah curses Canaan, Ham’s son and blesses Shem and Japheth. Noah dies at age 950 years.
  • Haggai 2:3-9 meaning. The prophet Haggai continues with the second message. He urges the returning exiles of Judah to remain strong to rebuild the temple of the LORD. He tells them He will be with them and protect them. Ultimately, the LORD will fill the temple with glory and grant peace. 
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