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Joshua 3:5-6 meaningFebruary 12, 2025

Joshua instructs the Israelites to sanctify themselves to experience a miracle. He also asks the priests to carry the Ark of the Covenant and march ahead of the people toward the Promised Land.

Joshua 3:1–4 meaningFebruary 12, 2025

The Israelites leave the camp at Shittim and stay by the Jordan River for three days. On the third day, the officers tell them to follow the ark of the covenant carried by the Levitical priests from 2,000 cubits away. 

Mark 4:10-12 meaningFebruary 7, 2025

The disciples ask Jesus to explain the meaning of the Parable of the Sower. Instead of providing an immediate explanation, Jesus first addresses why some people can understand the parables while others cannot.

Mark 4:1-9 meaningFebruary 7, 2025

“The Parable of the Sower” Jesus shares a parable about a sower who spreads seeds on four kinds of ground. While the first three fail to yield a harvest, the fourth, being good soil, produces an abundant crop.

Revelation 13:16-18 meaningFebruary 6, 2025

The beast increases his persecution through disallowing any who do not take his mark from participating in the world economic system. We are told the number of the beast: six hundred and sixty-six.

Revelation 13:11-15 meaningFebruary 6, 2025

Power is given to the second beast, the false prophet. He performs great signs that deceive the world into worshipping the beast. He also leads the world to make an image to the beast that speaks and kills people that will not worship it.

Revelation 13:7-10 meaningFebruary 6, 2025

Satan has been thrown down to earth, and now focuses his efforts on earth. He is authorized to reign over the earth. He uses the power given him to impose upon all to worship him. He makes war on the only ones that resist him, who are the saints written in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain. Believers are called to persevere, trusting in God’s judgment of those who persecute them.

Revelation 13:1-6 meaningFebruary 6, 2025

The dragon gives power to the beast who appears to be the same figure as “the prince who is to come” spoken of in Daniel 9:26. He will be a ruler that openly wars against the people of God and the Lamb.

Acts 20:25-38 meaningFebruary 5, 2025

Paul tells the Ephesian elders they will never see him again. He warns them to be on guard for themselves and the people in their church, because false teachers will come in to corrupt the truth, like wolves attacking a flock of sheep. The elders’ job is to protect the flock and trust in Christ. Paul reminds them to remember his example, and to faithfully live out God’s word in their lives so that they might receive the inheritance of Christ. Lastly, he reminds them to give generously and bless those who are needy. The elders weep and embrace Paul, and see him off to his ship.

Acts 20:17-24 meaningFebruary 5, 2025

While in Miletus, Paul summons the Ephesian elders to leave Ephesus and meet with him. He gives them a final farewell, in which he reminds them of how he taught them the gospel faithfully for years. Paul tells them that the Holy Spirit has warned him that he will suffer and be arrested in Jerusalem, but he reassures the elders that he is not worried about his life. His purpose is to preach the gospel and suffer for Christ’s sake.

Acts 20:13-16 meaningFebruary 5, 2025

Paul’s team sails from Troas to Assos, while Paul journeys by land. They reunite in Assos, and sail to Mitylene. From Mitylene they sail south, eventually making port in Miletus, which is a city not far from Ephesus. Paul purposefully avoided stopping in Ephesus, because his intention is to be in Jerusalem in time for the holy day of Pentecost.

Acts 20:7-12 meaningFebruary 5, 2025

While in the city of Troas, Paul spends the night teaching the Troas believers. One of them, a young boy, falls asleep and drops out of a window to his death. Paul embraces the boy’s body and he comes back to life. Everyone is relieved. Paul then teaches until dawn, before leaving the city.

Acts 20:1-6 meaningFebruary 5, 2025

Paul returns to Macedonia, then Greece, to encourage the believers there. When he decides to sail home to Antioch, he learns of a plot against him. Rather than sail from Greece, he goes back north to Macedonia. He and eight co-ministers cross over the Aegean Sea from Macedonia to Asia Minor.

Joshua 2:22–24 meaningFebruary 4, 2025

The Israelite spies leave Rahab’s house. They remain in the hill country west of Jericho for three days until the king’s agents who searched for them return to the city. Then, unlike the 10 spies in Numbers 13 who gave a negative report, they return to Joshua and tell him the LORD will give them victory over Jericho.

Joshua 2:15-21 meaningFebruary 4, 2025

Rahab lowers the Israelite spies down from her roof and instructs them to escape the city. The men reiterate their promise to show kindness to her and her family when they return to destroy Jericho if she will tie a scarlet cord through her window and gather her family into her home. As long as she maintains their secret, they will spare her. Rahab accepts these conditions and releases the men.

Joshua 2:8–14 meaningFebruary 4, 2025

Rahab tells the Israelite spies that she fears the LORD their God and asks them to spare her and her family from death when they conquer the land of Jericho. The men agree to do what she says if she keeps their movements secret.

Joshua 2:1-7 meaningFebruary 4, 2025

Joshua sends two men to scout out Jericho. While they stay in the house of a prostitute named Rahab, the king of Jericho sends word to her, asking her to deliver them into his hands. Rahab hides the men, and as soon as the king’s agents leave her house, watchmen shut the city gate for the night. 

Revelation 12:13-17 meaningJanuary 29, 2025

Satan tries to destroy Israel, but God intervenes to provide a way of escape. Instead, Satan now turns his wrath to the children of the woman, representing Israel, who keep God’s commandments.

Revelation 12:10-12 meaningJanuary 29, 2025

A statement of victory is declared: salvation has come, and the accuser has been thrown down, overcome by the blood of the Lamb. A warning is also issued to the earth, because Satan now dwells on earth for a limited time. 

Revelation 12:7-9 meaningJanuary 29, 2025

John describes a cosmic battle in heaven between Michael and his angels and the dragon. Michael and his angels prevail and Satan is thrown down to earth.

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