Leviticus 25:38 meaning

In addressing issues of poverty and debt among the Israelites, the commandment provided focuses on the treatment of those who found themselves in desperate economic situations. God instructed His people to avoid oppressing the poor, promoting a culture of mutual aid and respect. The command emphasizes that Israelites should not charge interest on loans to one another, thus safeguarding the dignity of their less fortunate brethren. This provision aimed to prevent the cycle of perpetual poverty and ensured that economic misfortune did not lead to exploitation within the community.

The underlying principle reflects the character of God as the liberator who brought His people out of Egypt. This remembrance serves as a foundation for ethical behavior, reminding the Israelites that they are stewards of the land and each other. The essence of this teaching is encapsulated in the exhortation to compassion and the promise of God’s provision. As stated, "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt...", reminding them to live according to divine standards of care and responsibility towards their fellow man (Leviticus 25:38). By cultivating a spirit of generosity, the community would flourish in righteousness and compassion.

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Other Relevant Commentaries:

  • Exodus 22:25-31 meaning. Here are rules concerning lending money to the poor and statutes relating to a person’s relationship to the LORD.
  • Matthew 5:38-42 meaning. Jesus flips the world system of ‘justice’ on its head. He tells His disciples to seek out opportunities to serve rather than looking for opportunities to exact payback under the letter of the law.
  • Genesis 19:34-38 meaning. The next day, the older sister convinced the younger sister to do what she had done the night before. Again, Lot was given too much wine and the younger daughter had sexual relations with him. Lot was unaware of this event also.
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