Numbers 5:14 meaning

In this passage, the complexities of jealousy and marital fidelity are addressed within the framework of ancient Israelite law. The instructions given to the husband concerning his wife's potential infidelity reflect the communal and divine accountability expected in relationships. Suspicion of adultery held significant societal implications, leading to rituals that sought to establish guilt or innocence. This reveals an intricate balance of justice and mercy, as the law prescribed public trials to maintain moral order while affording the accused an opportunity for reclamation and redemption.

The ritual described involves the woman being brought before the priest, where a special offering is made—a gesture laden with the themes of remembrance and accountability. Such practices indicate the gravity of marital faithlessness, deemed as not just personal wrongs but communal violations as well. Thus, this segment of Scripture serves to reinforce the covenantal nature of marriage, underscoring its significance within the larger community of faith, while also illustrating a judicial system where God is directly involved in human affairs. The passage ultimately encourages fidelity and rigorous self-examination against the backdrop of divine oversight.Numbers 5:14

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Deeper Commentary Covering this Verse:

  • Numbers 5:11-15 meaning. The next subject, which is called "the law of jealousy" in Numbers 5:29, is discussed in verses 11-31. It concerns marital infidelity that was suspected but not verified. The marriage relationship, the most basic of all between humans, and the building block for a successful self-governing society, was a reflection of one's relationship to the LORD. To be unfaithful in marriage was to be unfaithful to one's LORD.

Other Relevant Commentaries:

  • Deuteronomy 18:1-8 meaning. Having dealt with the principles concerning a king, Moses then turns to another source of authority in the Promised Land when he instructs the Israelites on how the Levitical priests were to be supported. Since the Levitical priests would minister before the LORD at the central sanctuary, they were not supposed to do any secular job. They were to depend upon the dues and offerings of the other tribes.
  • Deuteronomy 23:1-8 meaning. Moving from purity in marriage in the previous chapter, Moses now turned to purity in worship. To do this, he instructed the Israelites concerning who was allowed and who was not allowed in the assembly of the LORD.
  • Joel 3:1-3 meaning. When the LORD restores the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, He will judge the Gentile nations for the way they treated His covenant people.
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