Numbers 5:27 meaning

In the biblical context, the law governing the trial of a wife suspected of infidelity is a significant aspect of ancient Israelite life, emphasizing the need for purity in familial relationships. This particular procedure was designed not only to address suspicions of unfaithfulness but also to protect innocent women from baseless accusations. The husband, feeling a "spirit of jealousy," was required to present his wife before a priest with specific offerings and undergo a solemn ritual, as detailed in the Law. By doing so, the community's focus remained on both accountability and maintaining marital fidelity, which is essential for protecting social integrity.

In the scripture associated with this law, if the woman was found guilty, the bitter water would lead to physical consequences, thereby acting as a divine judgment for her unfaithfulness. Conversely, if innocent, she would be blessed with the ability to conceive, demonstrating God's favor. This law underscores the seriousness with which God regarded marital faithfulness and the community's role in maintaining purity among its members, according to Numbers 5:27. The procedures serve as a warning against the destructiveness of unfaithfulness and jealousy while promoting a culture of integrity within the covenant community.

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Deeper Commentary Covering this Verse:

  • Numbers 5:23-28 meaning. Numbers 5:23-28 contain additional activities that needed to happen prior to the woman drinking the water.

Other Relevant Commentaries:

  • Joel 3:1-3 meaning. When the LORD restores the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, He will judge the Gentile nations for the way they treated His covenant people.
  • Numbers 5:23-28 meaning. Numbers 5:23-28 contain additional activities that needed to happen prior to the woman drinking the water.
  • Numbers 6:22-27 meaning. Numbers 6:22-27 contain what many have called the "Aaronic Benediction." It is also called the "priestly prayer." It expresses the priests' desire for the LORD to shower His people with favor. It demonstrates that the priests were to be a source of blessing for the LORD's people.
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