Psalms 111:5 meaning

In reflecting on God's provision, we are encouraged to remember that He sustains those who honor Him. This verse emphasizes God's faithfulness in providing for the needs of His people, contrasting the abundance of His gifts with the expectation of reverent obedience from those who receive them. The psalmist stresses how acknowledging God’s covenant leads to a life marked by trust and gratitude.

In the broader context of the psalm, the act of giving "meat" to His followers symbolizes not just physical sustenance, but also God's continual care and nurturing through His promises. This aligns with key biblical themes about God’s faithfulness and the importance of maintaining a relationship based on reverence and obedience. The steadfastness of God's covenant assures believers that despite life's uncertainties, they can rely on His goodness and mercy as they walk in obedience.

The verse serves as a reminder that true wisdom lies in recognizing and responding to God's grace with faithful living, ultimately leading to a flourishing spiritual life. The essence of this teaching can be found in the statement that "He will ever be mindful of His covenant" as a promise of God's unchanging nature towards those who fear Him.

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Other Relevant Commentaries:

  • Psalm 22:22-25 meaning. This section begins the “song of praise” portion of Psalm 22. David vows to publicly give the LORD credit for rescuing him. He exhorts his fellow Israelites to praise and glorify God for what He has done. The LORD did not despise David’s sufferings, nor abandon him as naysayers wrongfully claimed, but God came to David’s aid in his time of need. The people’s praise of David is not because of what he did, but what the LORD did for him. 
  • Luke 5:17-26 meaning. Jesus publicly and dramatically heals a paralytic. Before Jesus heals this man, He tells him that his sins are forgiven, which causes some of the scribes and Pharisees in the crowd to silently accuse Jesus of blasphemy in their hearts. Jesus calls out their blasphemous unbelief and demonstrates that He is Who He claims to be by healing the paralytic, telling him to get up and go home. Accordingly, the crowds are amazed and begin glorifying God.
  • 2 Corinthians 5:9-11 meaning. Our goal is to please God in light of our coming appearance before the judgment seat of Christ. He will reward us for our obedience, but for our bad actions, we will suffer a loss of rewards which could have been. Paul lives in obedience to God to preach to others because he remembers that this judgment day is coming.
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