Zechariah 5:7 meaning

In this striking vision, Zechariah is shown a large ephah, a standard measure used in commerce, which symbolizes the accumulation of Israel's sin. The vision emphasizes that the nation’s iniquities have reached a significant level. The aspect of judgment penetrates deeper, as a woman representing wickedness emerges from the ephah; her presence underscores the pervasive nature of sin within the community. This makes it clear that God is not merely observing these transgressions but actively plans to address and eradicate them.

The narrative progresses as two women with stork-like wings carry the ephah away, signifying the removal of wickedness to a destined place, specifically "the land of Shinar." This vividly illustrates divine judgment and highlights a theme of finality in defeating evil. The overarching message serves as both a warning and a promise: while judgment is coming, it will ultimately lead to restoration. Such imagery resonates with the broader biblical theme of God's justice and grace intertwined throughout scripture, reinforcing the necessity for accountability among His people. This passage, therefore, remains relevant as it calls for self-examination against the backdrop of divine standards and impending reckoning. The verse is found in Zechariah 5:7.

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Deeper Commentary Covering this Verse:

  • Zechariah 5:5-11 meaning. Zechariah sees a woman in a basket who personifies the wickedness of the land of Judah. He also sees two other women grabbing the basket and flying into the sky like winged storks to transport it to Shinar (Babylon). The action means that the LORD will remove the sin of Judah and take it to Babylonia.

Other Relevant Commentaries:

  • Zechariah 3:6-7 meaning. The angel of the LORD admonishes Joshua to follow the LORD wholeheartedly in order to have the reward of ruling over the temple, and ultimately in God’s presence.
  • Zechariah 5:5-11 meaning. Zechariah sees a woman in a basket who personifies the wickedness of the land of Judah. He also sees two other women grabbing the basket and flying into the sky like winged storks to transport it to Shinar (Babylon). The action means that the LORD will remove the sin of Judah and take it to Babylonia.
  • Zechariah 13:7-9 meaning. The LORD describes the death of His anointed leader, resulting in the scattering of His covenant people. This prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus (Matthew 26:31). Two-thirds of the nation will be cut off but the remaining third will experience spiritual renewal and live in perfect communion with God.
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