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1 Chronicles 28 Summaries

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1 Chronicles 28:1 meaning

In this passage, King David convenes a gathering of Israel's leaders, signaling a crucial moment in the transition of power as he prepares to pass the mantle of leadership to his son, Solomon. This ga...

1 Chronicles 28:2 meaning

In this pivotal moment, David addresses the leaders of Israel, making a solemn declaration about the succession of power and the future temple's construction. His heartfelt desire to build a permanent...

1 Chronicles 28:3 meaning

In this moment of transition, David confesses that despite his fervent desire to construct a temple for God, he was denied the honor due to his history as a man of war. This decision reminds us of the...

1 Chronicles 28:4 meaning

In this pivotal moment of Israel's history, the transition from King David to his son Solomon is marked by solemn preparations and divine decree. David stands before Israel's leaders, declaring that h...

1 Chronicles 28:5 meaning

In this verse, David articulates a critical moment in Israel's history by recognizing Solomon as the chosen successor to the throne and the appointed builder of the Temple. David, having been favored ...

1 Chronicles 28:6 meaning

In this pivotal verse, David conveys God's specific choice of Solomon as the builder of the temple, illustrating a divine appointment that underscores the importance of obedience and faithfulness in l...

1 Chronicles 28:7 meaning

King David, in his final days, gathered leaders from among Israel to pass on vital instructions, centering on the temple's future. His statement reveals a profound understanding that his plans to buil...

1 Chronicles 28:8 meaning

As David's reign concluded, he assembled Israel's leaders and imparted a poignant charge, urging them to prioritize their devotion to God. This moment was not merely a passing suggestion; it was a sig...

1 Chronicles 28:9 meaning

In this pivotal verse, King David imparts an essential charge to his son Solomon, emphasizing the necessity of knowing and serving God diligently. David seeks to instill a profound sense of duty and d...

1 Chronicles 28:10 meaning

In an important moment of transition in Israel’s history, King David addresses his son Solomon and the assembly to emphasize the significance of building the temple. This charge emphasizes not just th...

1 Chronicles 28:11 meaning

In this pivotal verse, David imparts detailed architectural plans to Solomon for the construction of the temple, a significant moment as David prepares to transition leadership to his son. David had l...

1 Chronicles 28:12 meaning

As David prepared to pass the baton of leadership to Solomon, he imparted vital instructions regarding the construction of the temple, placing emphasis on the importance of divine guidance in its foun...

1 Chronicles 28:13 meaning

In the context of David's farewell address to Israel, the verse emphasizes the meticulous preparations made for the temple's construction. David, aware of his limitations due to his past as a warrior,...

1 Chronicles 28:14 meaning

As David approaches the end of his reign, he conveys significant instructions concerning the construction of the temple, a divine project rooted in the heart of Israel's national identity. This moment...

1 Chronicles 28:15 meaning

In this passage, David provides Solomon with detailed specifications for the temple's construction, reflecting a divine plan and the importance of order in worship. This moment encapsulates David's de...

1 Chronicles 28:16 meaning

In this passage, King David provides his son Solomon with treasure and detailed plans for the future temple. This moment is significant as it marks the transition of leadership and the fulfillment of ...

1 Chronicles 28:17 meaning

In this passage, the significance of David's guidance to Solomon becomes evident as he prepares him for the monumental task of building the temple. This moment is crucial, not only because it represen...

1 Chronicles 28:18 meaning

In a pivotal moment within the passage, David imparts essential instructions to Solomon regarding the temple's construction. David received detailed plans and materials for the temple, emphasizing div...

1 Chronicles 28:19 meaning

In this pivotal moment, King David prepares to pass the mantle of leadership to his son Solomon, emphasizing the importance of devotion to God. David's exhortation serves not only as a transfer of dut...

1 Chronicles 28:20 meaning

In the pivotal moment captured in this verse, David delivers a charge to his son Solomon, urging him to be strong and courageous as he steps into a monumental task—the building of the temple. David's ...

1 Chronicles 28:21 meaning

In a powerful moment of transition and preparation, David addresses Solomon and the assembled leaders of Israel regarding the significant task ahead—the construction of the temple. This charge emphasi...