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Chapter 13

1 Kings 13 Summaries

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1 Kings 13:1 meaning

In a significant moment for Israel, a divine messenger arrived with an urgent message during a time of great apostasy. The prophet from Judah boldly confronted King Jeroboam at the altar in Bethel, wh...

1 Kings 13:2 meaning

In a pivotal moment within the narrative of Israel's history, God's prophetic word confronts idolatrous practices head-on. This chapter reveals how a man of God from Judah is sent to Beth-el, where Ki...

1 Kings 13:3 meaning

In the context of the early monarchy of Israel, this verse presents a profound moment where the divine authority confronts human rebellion. The prophet from Judah arrives at Bethel during a significan...

1 Kings 13:4 meaning

In a critical moment of confrontation, a prophet from Judah delivers God’s message to King Jeroboam, who is performing idolatrous rituals at the altar in Bethel. Despite the evident spiritual authorit...

1 Kings 13:5 meaning

In this powerful narrative, a prophet from Judah arrives at Beth-el, a city marked by King Jeroboam's idolatrous practices. The prophet bears a dire message from God, condemning the idolatry tied to J...

1 Kings 13:6 meaning

In a critical moment of divine intervention, a prophet from Judah approached King Jeroboam, delivering a message that showcased God’s judgment against idolatry. Jeroboam, caught up in his own pride an...

1 Kings 13:7 meaning

In this episode, we find a revealing interaction between a prophet and King Jeroboam, showcasing the profound themes of obedience and divine authority. The context is critical, as Jeroboam had just es...

1 Kings 13:8 meaning

In this passage, a critique emerges of King Jeroboam's actions at the altar in Bethel, highlighting his disobedience to God's commandments. The context is essential: God has sent a prophet from Judah ...

1 Kings 13:9 meaning

In a pivotal moment in Israel's history, a man of God from Judah confronts King Jeroboam, who is performing idolatrous rituals at the altar in Bethel. This prophet is sent to proclaim God's disapprova...

1 Kings 13:10 meaning

In the story of this young prophet sent to Jeroboam, we witness a crucial moment in Israel's history marked by disobedience and divine judgment. The prophet's refusal to accept the king's invitation s...

1 Kings 13:11 meaning

In this passage, we encounter a pivotal moment in the narrative of the divided kingdom of Israel. An old prophet residing in Bethel hears reports from his sons about the miraculous acts of a younger p...

1 Kings 13:12 meaning

In the narrative from the Old Testament, we witness a gripping moment where a prophet from Judah encounters temptation after delivering a clear message from God to King Jeroboam. Despite having the au...

1 Kings 13:13 meaning

In this chapter, we witness a significant interaction between a prophet from Judah and King Jeroboam of Israel. The prophet boldly confronts Jeroboam regarding his idolatry, delivering a message of im...

1 Kings 13:14 meaning

In this passage, we encounter a significant moment involving a prophet from Judah, who is sent by God to deliver a message to King Jeroboam of Israel, addressing his idolatrous practices. The prophet ...

1 Kings 13:15 meaning

The account delves into a profound moment of disobedience juxtaposed with divine consequences. Here, a prophet from Judah, sent to deliver God's message to King Jeroboam, initially resists the king’s ...

1 Kings 13:16 meaning

In the unfolding narrative surrounding the divided kingdom of Israel, we encounter a young prophet who is instructed by God to deliver a stern message to King Jeroboam concerning his idolatrous practi...

1 Kings 13:17 meaning

In the narrative recounted in 1 Kings 13, we see the tragic consequences of disobedience to God's command, set against the backdrop of Israel's crisis of faith during Jeroboam's reign. The prophet fro...

1 Kings 13:18 meaning

In a revealing encounter, the young prophet is deceived by an old prophet, leading to dire consequences. The deception illustrates the importance of obedience to God's Word, demonstrating that even pr...

1 Kings 13:19 meaning

In this poignant narrative, we encounter the tragic consequences of disobedience that befell the man of God from Judah. Having received a clear command from the Lord, he initially acted with faithfuln...

1 Kings 13:20 meaning

The passage in question highlights a crucial moment in the narrative of a young prophet from Judah who encounters a seasoned prophet from Bethel. Initially obedient, the young prophet had received a c...

1 Kings 13:21 meaning

In the narrative of 1 Kings, a pivotal moment arises surrounding the disobedience of a young prophet. This prophet, having been given strict divine instructions, was enticed back by an old prophet who...

1 Kings 13:22 meaning

The narrative surrounding the disobedient prophet in this passage illustrates the dire consequences of failing to heed God’s commands. After delivering a powerful message against Jeroboam’s idolatry, ...

1 Kings 13:23 meaning

In the narrative surrounding this verse, we encounter the stark consequences of disobedience to God's commands. The man of God from Judah had initially received a direct and clear command not to eat o...

1 Kings 13:24 meaning

In the narrative surrounding the prophet from Judah, the gravity of disobedience to God's commands is vividly depicted. After initially following God's directives, the prophet's decision to accept hos...

1 Kings 13:25 meaning

In the disturbing narrative of 1 Kings 13, the fate of the disobedient prophet stands as a grave warning about the necessity of obedience to God's commands. This prophet, initially sent by God to deli...

1 Kings 13:26 meaning

In this passage, the consequences of disobedience to God are starkly illustrated through the fate of a prophet who ignored divine instruction. This chapter narrates how the prophetic mission, while su...

1 Kings 13:27 meaning

In the narrative surrounding a disobedient prophet, a profound lesson emerges regarding the consequences of straying from God's commands. After delivering a prophetic message to King Jeroboam, the you...

1 Kings 13:28 meaning

The narrative of the disobedient prophet in the context of 1 Kings underscores the stark consequences of failing to adhere to God's commands. It unfolds during a time when King Jeroboam established an...

1 Kings 13:29 meaning

The tragic narrative of the disobedient prophet concludes with a striking scene in which the old prophet retrieves the body of the younger prophet who ultimately met a lion's fate. The old prophet’s a...

1 Kings 13:30 meaning

In the complex narrative surrounding the disobedient prophet, 1 Kings 13:30 presents a poignant reflection on mortality and the impact of divine judgment. Following the tragic fate of the man of God w...

1 Kings 13:31 meaning

In the tale of the disobedient prophet, the tragic outcome of biblical choices serves as a sobering reminder of the gravity of divine directives. After receiving a prophetic message against King Jerob...

1 Kings 13:32 meaning

In the narrative surrounding King Jeroboam's reign, a significant episode unfolds following the confrontation with a man of God from Judah. The older prophet, who had deceived this younger prophet, ex...

1 Kings 13:33 meaning

The account of Jeroboam's actions illustrates a significant theme in the biblical narrative: the obstinacy of those in power against divine correction. Following prophetic warnings about his idolatrou...

1 Kings 13:34 meaning

The passage reflects a significant moment in biblical history where King Jeroboam's continued disobedience to God's commandments led to dire consequences. Despite witnessing divine signs and warnings,...