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Chapter 9

Hosea 9 Summaries

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Hosea 9:2 meaning

The passage addresses the severity of Israel's disobedience and the ensuing divine judgment. The imagery in this verse denotes a profound spiritual and physical deprivation facing the Israelites, driv...

Hosea 9:3 meaning

In this poignant proclamation, the consequences of Israel's unfaithfulness to God are laid bare. The verse emphasizes that the people will be removed from the land promised to them, echoing themes of ...

Hosea 9:4 meaning

In a poignant declaration, the prophet Hosea brings attention to Israel's dire spiritual state. The nation, having strayed from true worship, would face devastating consequences. This verse signifies ...

Hosea 9:5 meaning

In a striking warning to the nation of Israel, the prophet Hosea underscores the grave consequences of their unfaithfulness and idolatry. The people are depicted as losing their access to legitimate w...

Hosea 9:6 meaning

The impending judgment outlined in the prophecy of Hosea reveals the consequences of Israel's rebellion against God. They have acted unfaithfully, leading to divine displeasure that will result in the...

Hosea 9:8 meaning

In this passage, we see a vivid portrayal of Israel's relationship with divine guidance. The verse reflects a critical moment where the nation, particularly Ephraim, distanced itself from the prophets...

Hosea 9:9 meaning

In a powerful reflection on Israel's deep moral decay, the prophet Hosea connects the current state of the nation to its grievous historical sins, particularly recalling the tragic events in Gibeah, w...

Hosea 9:11 meaning

In this poignant verse, the theme of divine judgment is intertwined with the sadness of lost potential. Here, the prophet Hosea conveys God's sorrow over Israel's rebellion, particularly focusing on t...

Hosea 9:12 meaning

In this poignant verse, the prophetic warning underscores the tragic fate awaiting the people of Israel due to their persistent unfaithfulness. The imagery evokes a time of great loss, particularly in...

Hosea 9:13 meaning

The passage speaks to the dire consequences of Israel's persistent idolatry and rebellion against God. God, through the prophet Hosea, warns that the community of Ephraim, a representation of Israel, ...

Hosea 9:14 meaning

In this poignant verse, the prophet Hosea laments the impending consequences for Ephraim due to its rebellion against God. The imagery of barrenness, with references to "miscarrying womb" and "dried-u...

Hosea 9:16 meaning

In Hosea's poignant prophecy, the dire consequences of Israel's transgressions are brought to the forefront. The nations' unfaithfulness has elicited severe judgment from God, culminating in a promise...

Hosea 9:17 meaning

In this poignant verse from the Prophet Hosea, a period marked by Israel's spiritual neglect and disobedience comes to a critical juncture. The Israelites' continual refusal to heed God's voice result...