
Matthew 9 Commentary

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Matthew 9:1-8

Jesus returns to Capernaum, where He publicly and dramatically heals a paralytic. Before Jesus heals this man, He tells him that his sins are forgiven, which causes some of the scribes in the crowd to silently accuse Jesus of blasphemy in their hearts.

Matthew 9:9-13

Jesus calls Matthew, a despised tax collector, to follow Him. Matthew does. Later Jesus is reclining at a table in Matthew’s home with other tax collectors and sinners, when the Pharisees ask Jesus’s disciples why their master associates with vile people.

Matthew 9:14-15

John the Baptizer’s disciples come to Jesus and ask Him why His disciples do not fast (like they and the Pharisees do). Jesus answers them by parable, explaining that it is not appropriate for the attendants of the Bridegroom to fast when he is with them.

Matthew 9:16-17

Jesus shares two parables about the incompatibility between the old patterns of righteousness as taught by the Pharisees, and the new way of life that He has come to offer.

Matthew 9:18-26

A father comes to Jesus and asks Him to raise his dead daughter back to life, which Jesus does. A sick woman secretly touches Jesus’s garment and is healed. Jesus turns to her and affirms her value and faith.

Matthew 9:27-31

Two blind men follow Jesus, begging Him to heal them. They call Jesus by the Messianic title, “Son of David.” Jesus privately heals them according to their faith. Before leaving He clearly warns them not to tell others what He did for them. They tell everyone anyway.

Matthew 9:32-34

Jesus heals a mute demon-possessed man. The crowds who witness this miracle are duly impressed. The Pharisees try to dampen their enthusiasm and accuse Jesus of using demonic powers to cast out demons.

Matthew 9:35-38

Jesus feels compassion for the people of Galilee. He tells His disciples that the harvest for the gospel is bountiful, but there are few workers. He asks them to pray for God to send out more workers into His harvest.